Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Friday, May 21, 2010

Not Japan but Korea

• So long time no write huh? Sorry about that! Every spare minute I had went to making my own website. That’s right! It was Allie Pippin’s idea, and Lucas’ prompting, that lead me to develop a website featuring pictures and descriptions of the activities I have participated in. Check it out if you have any free time. http://www.wix.com/rbazant/Resume_Bazant
• Well, since I have not written in so long I am afraid I must skip over the rest of my Japan trip. Really, you are just missing too many Korea stories so I can’t hold off on updating you on that. So if you are dying to know more about it please take a look at the Japan photos on my Facebook page.
• Asides from keeping busy making that website, I also have been keeping busy at the gym. Guess what Jackie, I started running again. Well, I walk for two minutes then run for 4. I do this for half an hour and burn 275 calories, twice a week. Then, I do other weight lifting and ab exercises afterwards.
I even get my friend Sunny to go with me sometimes. Although she is an expert at finding excuses not to workout with me. One time she came over to my house claiming that she didn’t have shoes to workout in so she couldn’t go. I gave her a pair of complimentary Lotte Hotel slippers to wear and told her we are going anyways! The next time she told me that we should make kimbap for our work picnic. I told her it was a great idea and we would defiantly make kimbap after we worked out! Hahaha! I won’t take any excuses from her!
• I mentioned making kimbap for my work picnic, but Sunny has been teaching me to make other Korean dishes as well. I have also made yubu chobap, and kim mu chim. Yubu chobap is actually Japanese. It’s the bean curds filled with rice. Kim mu chim is a seaweed salad with sautéed garlic stems. It is better than it sounds I promise. I have also been using my rice cooker. I love it! I will never cook rice in a pot on the stove again! If you don’t have one and you cook rice once a week or more, this is a must have item for your kitchen!
• Asides from working out and having cooking class together, Sunny and I also took a pottery class. It was my first time using a pottery wheel. It’s much harder than it looks. I needed a lot of help from the teacher, who didn’t speak any English asides from “Stop!” So, she would yell stop and take over for a bit and fix what ever I did wrong, and then hand it back over to me. It was a great experience. It will be fired and sent to my office sometime in the next week, so pictures of the final product will be available soon.
• The other weekend my friends Sai, Jay, Jay’s girlfriend, and I went to a house in the countryside. It was an artist’s compound with different cabins for showing films, displaying photography, and everyday living. It was amazing. It’s what I want to have someday. We got to enjoy a bimbibap buffet and listen to a concert by the pond. It was very special. I hope that someday I have a place similar to this and I can share it with you all as well.
• Oh, one last story before I end this blog entry (next blog will be stories of how Koreans and Americans differ). So I like to style my hair differently every day. I have short hair so I like to have fun with it. Some days I have my bangs out, sometimes they are to the side, or I may pull them back for a bump-it look. Other times I may put a headband in and wear the back wavy. Well, I get asked almost daily if I cut my hair. It’s really funny. Most of the girls at work wear their hair long and straight. Its strange, guys have really creative hair cuts and obviously spend time styling it, but the girls don’t often style their hair differently day to day like I do. So the result is… “oh, did you get a hair cut?” I just chuckle and say, “no, I just pulled it back /pined it up / let it down etc.”

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