Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Island

* Hye Jung, Melissa, and I went to the island of magic and fairy tales! This is the island where they film a lot of Korean dramas. It was beautiful; we had to take a boat through icy filled waters while it was snowing big fluffy chunks! There were fire rings all around the island where we could stop and warm up our hands. There were also ostriches all around the island! They were just roaming free, pecking at people as they pleased. This was such a beautiful place that is wasn't hard to understand why we saw two different couples taking their wedding photos these. Although it was extremely hard to understand how the woman were surviving the photo shoots wearing strapless wedding gowns, berrrrrrrr!
* We took such great photos on the island that I wanted to email them to everyone! I sent them to Lucas, Angela, and my parents. Although when I sent them to my parents something went horribly wrong. I asked my parents what they thought of the photos and they said some of them were nice but others were riskee. I was totally perplexed! Their was one photo where I was sticking my tongue out trying to get it stuck to the ice but that's as riskee as it gets! So I called them on skype for further explanation. Turns out a virus attached itself to my photos so every time they tried to scroll back and forth between my photos it would show them porn. I was absolutely mortified!
* Melissa got to go with me to belly dance class! Hooray! Someone to share in the shame and embarrassment! I even let her wear my pink genie pants, and my teacher provided her with a beaded bra so she would fit in just fine. After class the teacher invited us out for drinks, food, and further uncomfortable moments. She took us to a restaurant down the street from class that serves mokoli, a tasty Korean rice wine. We were the only woman in the place; it was full of men smoking and drinking soju (Korean vodka). I ruined Melissa's reputation by taking her to this place, and also ruined her chances of marrying an upstanding Korean man (never mind that she is already married to Ray). At this seedy place the teacher ordered food for us. She knew that I didn't eat meat, but she wanted to know if sea food was ok to put in our pancake. I told her I was allergic to shrimp so I needed to be careful what they put in my food. Since she didn't know the English name for the sea creature in question she asked our server to bring a bowl of them to our table. It was some kind or bivalve, maybe a sea squirt or something so I said yes, if those creatures were cooked in the pancake then I could still eat the pancake safely without dieing. She said good, ordered the pancake, and then proceeded to make me eat the sea creature raw from the bowl. She ate if first, showing me that it wasn't a trick she was playing on me. I was so grossed out!!! I was trying so hard not to vomit while I ate it. Remember, it had been 7 years that I went without eating seafood. I only started eating it again because I was afraid I would starve to death in Korea if I didn't. Imagine how difficult it is for me to eat these creatures after so long, and then having to eat them raw! Also imagine how pissed I was when Melissa pointed out that there were two left in the bowl and that we should each eat one!


  1. Literally dying about sending your parents porn! Hahahahahhhaa! Suuuuure...virus. You know you did it on purpose! Was the island, Chejudo?

    Wait. Was it raw or alive? Squirming? You're so adventurous, Renee! That would've been a big NO THANK YOU for me.

    I love that picture of you btw. You look like you're in a commercial or something! Beautiful!

  2. No. That is the picture that comes in the frame when you buy it.

    That was very brave of you to eat that "bivalve." I think I would starve first. Today I took Yesenia to high tea and she made a go for the caviar. It was like "an explosion of nastiness in her mouth!" How would you describe your bivalve?

  3. My bivalve was like "a hawked loogy on an asphalt street."

    Really, it was that bad! Thank goodness it was not alive! I don't think I would be able to describe it if it was.

  4. OMG! That is AWSOME! Write that on their menu.

  5. Just love your snow pictures! Beautiful!
