Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Melissa is here!

* Melissa flew in on the stormiest day of the year. It was the blizzard of the century, literally! It actually was Korea's heaviest snowfall in 70 years!!! It snowed 11 inches that day! It was amazing, I have never seen it snow like that before! But then again, I was born and raised in Los Angeles.
* Melissa is staying here for three weeks. The first week she got to stay at the Lotte hotel (which meant I did too) and then the next two weeks will be spent at that abandoned apartment we held the Thanksgiving dinner at. At lease we had one week of luxury. Every night I took a bubble bath and read my novel, and every day we tried to order different kinds of pillows to test while we were there. We found a brochure in the dresser drawer that showed like 10 different types of pillows available at the hotel so we called housekeeping and ordered two new ones each day. The orders weren't always right because of the language barrier, but despite that we had quite the pillow collection by the end of the week. In fact, we had so many pillows we decided to make a pillow snowman. His arms are made from an umbrella, his buttons are cookies, and his eyes are the caps off the complementary shampoo and conditioner bottles.
* At Lotte I found a new food that I am too scared to try. Its "peanut buttered squid" mmmm. They sell it from a cart that I will feature a picture of on my facebook eventually. I'm sure if someone bets me enough money I will try eating it. Any bets?
* Melissa and I started a new game. Its kinda like punch buggy but instead of hurting you physically this game hurts you emotionally. There is a common convenient store called "buy the way," and when you see this store you say "by the way ." Its a great game! "By the way, you smell like a horse's ass" "By the way, your face makes me want to vomit" So much fun!
* Another fun game we like to play is dub-ing Korean dramas. We find dramas and make up our own interesting storyline. Its just like that game that the comedians would play on 'who's line is it anyways.' We have so much fun doing it, and my Korean girlfriends are so impressed that we are familiar with the different shows. Although they do not know we are making fun of the shows, its ok!
* Speaking of convenient stores, at some of the stores here they have special fridges for hot beverages. They stick cans of tea, coffee, hot coco etc. in there and they are perfect to buy for warming up your hands (today was -11C / 9F). Also perfect for keeping my hands warm are the convertible mittens. I got myself a pair of fingerless gloves that have a flip top to turn into mittens. Its perfect for Iphone users who need access to the touch screen, but don't want to remove their gloves!
* Maybe I can make a pair of these convertible gloves myself. The other day Melissa and I met up with Vicki and she taught us how to knit. We got some special knitting needles, I don't know if we have them back home, but they have a plastic tube that connects both needles so your stitches don't fall off the back ends. So far so good, I am even attempting to knit a pattern. I have a feeling I will be calling Vicki in the middle of the night, "help, undo, undo, fix it, fix it, fix it, control z!!!! Melissa is making a scarf and I am attempting fingerless gloves, it will be a race to see who can finish first. Now I can officially attend the next 'stitch and bitch' meeting!
* What I need to do though is find a way to knit earmuffs for Melissa. She has the nasty habit of referring to Tokey Pokey as "earmuffs." She is trying to fatten him up so she can make a pair of earmuffs to match the gray hat Vicki is making for her. Whenever Melissa comes over she feed him all kinds of people food that he is not suppose to eat, like peanut butter, and rice wine! So bad!!!!


  1. So clever, that snowman!

    No squid for me PERIOD. If someone bets you, put the picture of you eating in on facebook! Maybe we'll feature you on the travel channel.

    I like the By the Way game! Hahaha. I think we need to establish it here in Cali.

    I do dubbing with chinese shows! Great minds think alike, I tell you.

    We do have those knitting needles here. I'm currently knitting a beanie with those needles. =) Good luck on those fingerless gloves. They sound hard!

  2. hahahahaha earmuffs... that's a cute name for a rabbit with a fate... hahaha <3
    I miss you and I love you! hopefully we can skype soon...

  3. I have some of those gloves too!!!!
