Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Monday, March 1, 2010

Get Out Of the Military Free Card

* Ok, I'm sorry for not writing sooner. I had to get a book produced before my deadline Friday so basically every waking moment was dedicated to getting that book written. Thanks again Melissa for trying to give me some book ideas. I had a book written by the deadline, thanks to Melissa and Shannon's help when they were here working in January. Problem was, it was too difficult. The jump from the writing patterns in the book they worked on to the level just prior to it was too great. So I had to take that book they worked on and push it to a higher level and write a whole new book for that level by myself by the same deadline! So needless to say, didn't have time to write my blog, nor was I doing anything that would be worth writing about. But this weekend was a holiday so I have today off from work and a weekend to relax so I will fill you in on my holiday weekend.
* So I now know why Nicolas Cage movies are so popular here in Korea! I had a theory that his simple speech patterns are easy to subtitle. But nope, its because he is married to a Korean woman. Thats right, Koreans like the fact that he is a big Hollywood star married to a Korean. Now, if I can only figure out why they like Keanu Reeves so much. Because if its not a Nicolas Cage movie on tv then it is a Keanu Reeves movie, or a Harry Potter movie. But I'm not going to complain about the Harry Potter movies every weekend. I'm just grateful for www.tvgorge.com so I can watch the shows I am missing at home for free, without commercials. In fact, Lucas canceled our cable at home, we don't need it now that we can get tv online. So if you are not using it yet, its worth checking out.
* Because I was so busy with book writing for the past two weeks, I haven't been going to belly dance class. I finally went to class on Wednesday to take a break from writing day and night. I showed up with a new hair cut and the ladies went crazy. Truthfully, I got the hair cut a while ago but hadn't been to class in so long that it looked new to them. The ladies were saying that because I got a stylish new hair cut I needed to take them out for shots. What? Why on earth should my new hair cut result in me buying soju shots for everyone in class? The reasoning was not translated for me, just the requirement was translated. So I still haven't a clue. Fortunately, I didn't bring my purse with me to dance class so I couldn't take the ladies out for drinks.
* So I'm sure you are all wondering about how the Korean's handled Kim Yu Na winning the gold in figure skating. I heard a cheer go up from the floor below me at work because they were watching it live. I however work with one of the presidents (sah-jang-nim means president) of the company so no watching TV during work hours, on-line banking, instant messaging, or any of the other liberties that people not working with sah-jang-nim get to take. Anyways, the Olympics gave me the opportunity to learn more about the military service requirements here in Korea. I know it sounds strange but bear with me here. All Korean men must do 2 years in the military. Usually guys do their two years of service before they go to college because they can not go abroad without doing time in the military. If you are going to be a doctor or psychologist then you can go to college first, and then do two years as a military doctor or psychologist. Now, for the interesting part that involves the Olympics, if you win a gold or silver medal in the Olympics then you do not have to do any time in the military! If you only win bronze you still have to do your military service!!!!!!! WOW! Talk about motivation to win the gold medal!!!! Koreans can use a gold or silver medal as a get out of the military free card!
* I spent this weekend with Hye Jung and her husband. They recently bought a new condo and I was going to visit it for the first time. So with a little internet research on my dad's part, we figured out what a good house-warming gift would be. Number one house-warming gift to give a Korean is................(drum roll).......... laundry detergent! And here I was going to get a small potted plant for them. Apparently you give plants for new businesses, not new homes! Silly me, thanks dad for helping me avoid that faux pas. The second highest rated housewarming gift is toilet paper, and in third place are paper towels. So now you know what to bring, just in case you ever get invited to a Korean house-warming party.
* Hye Jung, her husband, a friend of theirs and I went hiking together. That was the first time I have gone hiking with another girl here in Korea. This was not with our work's hiking club so that was the difference. At the starting point for our hike was a camp ground. I was so impressed with the campground facility. It had platforms to put your tent on!!! No sleeping on the dirty ground here!!! No sleeping on rocks or on a slope!!! Amazing!
I was remarking to Hye Jung how I couldn't believe how some of the old ladies we passed when we were hiking had full make up on. I was sweating so I couldn't imagine how they kept they eye liner from running! She told me it was permanent make up. That is why they have perfect lip stick and eye liner on after a 4 hour hike, its tattooed to their face!!!! That also explains one of the ladies in my dance class!!! Flawless makeup every day, no matter how hard you sweat! Still, I think I'll pass on that one.
Also an interesting part of our hike was watching a very special ceremony take place on one of the lower peaks of the mountain we were climbing. The ceremony was to ask for good fortune for a new business. At least that is what Hye Jung said it was for. All I know for sure is that one guy hiked up the mountain with a pig's head in a box on his back. The actual ceremony involved lighting incense and candles around the pigs head. Then they used their hiking polls to hang up a rope to attach flags to. Next, a guy said some stuff and all the other guys listened. Then I left, but I'm assuming that they drank all the bottles of soju they brought up with them and the pig's head. I heard eating the pig's cheeks is the best part.
I had a real hard time figuring out which picture to post with this blog. Should I show the tent platforms or the pig head ceremony? But strangers having a pig head ceremony won because its harder to imagine. If you would like to see more hiking pictures please check them out on my facebook.


  1. Can you please explain why Nicholas Cage is so popular in the U.S.??? and I don't think I could ever decide on what color I would want my permanent lipstick.

  2. Ugh. Nicholas Cage. Yuck.

    Yum. Mr. Reeves

    Koreans have fled Korea to get out of the 2 year military service. I actually learned that there is usually an age gap between Korean couples who meet in college because the men come back older...and manlier.
