Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saint Patrick's Day Celebration

* I got my beautiful Pink Martini poster laminated. It cost more than I expected, 9,000w (like $7) but it also turned out better than I expected too. They put a matte finish on the front of the poster; I didn't even know that was possible. It looks great! The laminating machine at Alexander Science Center School never had a matte finish!
* After belly dance class, I went with my dance instructor and some of the ladies from class out to our local bar. I wanted to order a pitcher of Guinness for everyone to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, but turns out the bar doesn't serve Guinness. My my friend Sunny had told the waiter that we wanted Guinness to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day so he told the cook, so the cook walked down the street to the GS25 (like a 711) and bought me a can of Guinness. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop smiling, it was so sweet of her to do that for me! That right there made it the best Saint Patrick's Day ever!
Then after a few drinks my dance instructor wanted us all to go to the dance club. Thank goodness it was a Wednesday night so I could refuse to go because I having work the next morning. Melissa and I are both convinced that if I go with my instructor to a dance club I will wind up sold into white slavery. Don't laugh, it could happen! Watch the movie "Thoroughly Mollie."
* The other day I went to E-Mart, aka Korean Target, and got a potted plant for my office. I was feeling like spring was coming soon and since I don't have any sunlight at my apartment because the buildings are too close together, having an office plant was a perfect alternative. So the plant I picked was one of my all time favorites..... Mimosa!!! I remember going to Costa Rica with Ray and Melissa and finding mimosa plants for the first time and touching every mimosa I came across! When you pet the plant's leaves the leaves curl up. It is so cool!!!! I am waiting for the seeds to sprout and soon will have my very own mimosa plant.
* Like I said before, I was feeling like spring might be just around the corning, seeing how the coming weekend was officially the first day of spring and all. Well, to further get into the spirit of spring, I wore a dress to work. I had to wear a thick coat, long sleeve turtle neck, and leggings under my dress, along with knee high boots, but it still put me in a spring mood. Unfortunately, it didn't put the weather in a spring mood. What started out as a nice, clear, yet chilly day, slowly turned cold and menacing storm clouds began moving in. By the end of the workday, I found my self walking home in a snow storm. So much for spring being just around the corner!
* I got new wallpaper put up in my apartment! I was so happy, now I live in a mold free home! My old wallpaper had mold growing underneath it. This was revealed to me once Tokey Pokey ripped off a rather sizable chunk of wallpaper. I just have to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't start taking off the new wallpaper as well; so far so good! He is sticking to just eating my books and cardboard boxes.
In addition to eating anything made of paper, he is also in the habit of following my every move. He especially likes following me into the restroom and running around my feet while I brush my teeth. Well, the other day he followed Bonyun into the restroom too. The next thing I hear is her worried voice reporting that he is making noises. I told her it was ok, he does it all the time. Then she started laughing and imitating his noises, "who who who who." Tokey Pokey makes a grunting noise when he is running around, its really cute! I've never heard of a rabbit doing this before but I guess its what Korean rabbits do. As Bonyun says,"He sounds like a gorilla, who who who who!"
* I got a blender yesterday from my friend Vicki. She doesn't use it anymore so she passed it on to me. Today I tried making hummus with it. I was totally disappointed! I don't know what I did wrong but it tastes nothing like Trader Joe hummus! I blended garbanzo beans, lemon juice, garlic, and some olive oil, but it doesn't taste right. What am I doing wrong? Any one have some hummus making advice?
* This next story is really sad. And I'm sure its really going to make all my pregnant friends cry..... a husband and wife were so addicted to online gaming that they spent all of their time at the PC room and their baby died of malnutrition. I know, I didn't believe it at first, I thought it was just some urban legend Koreans told to keep their kids away from the PC rooms, but no. Its actually true. And the sadist part was in this game Prius that they were so into, they were raising an online baby. How sick is that? They cared more about their online baby then their real baby?!?! Here is a link if you want to read more about the shocking story. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/05/couple-let-baby-starve-to_n_487287

1 comment:

  1. Whaaaat?! You don't have cone boobies? I feel so sorry for you. haahhaha! Jk. WHO DOES? except Madonna?

    Sold for white slavery. oh my! hahah

    Awww! I love how your bunny sounds like a gorilla. I want to see bunny pics!

    I heard of people in Asia starving to death due to online gaming. A boy committed suicide because someone broke into his account and stole his firearms from his PC for the game he was playing. It's so sad!
