Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend in Ulsan Part 2

* Chin said cavities are contagious?!? Anyone else here this one? Or is this just propaganda from the Lotte gum makers? Lotte says their gum has xylitol in it which is what kills that contagious cavity germ. You are suppose to chew it after meals and before you go to bed. Apparently mothers who have cavities can infect their unborn babies, or infect their childrens' teeth by sharing a spoon or giving kisses. Really? Sounds like a scare tactic to sell more gum to me.
* So Lucas, you might run into some trouble, or at least experience some discrimination because of your shaved head. In Korean melodramas only the gangsters have shaved heads. People who are not exposed to the American culture might avoid, or be fearful of you. But here the Buddhist monks also shave their heads so you can always dress in gray and pretend to be a monk.
* At the hotel buffet their was a beautiful cake with a serving knife next to it. Although many people were eying the cake no one was willing to make the first cut into it. Although I am handicapped in the cake cutting department (as my family can attest) I cut the first slice out of this cake. Many Koreans also took pieces of this cake after I make that critical first incision. I wonder if there are studies done on this type of behavior? Who are the types of people willing to be the first to break a social norm? Are they the people who already feel like outsiders and have the least to lose by acting first? It reminds me of Catalina with Henry and Shereen. How many people wouldn't take the last brownie or slice of pizza, but as soon as I cut it into 4 pieces every list bite disappeared!
* Thanks Angela for sending the 2 Discover Magazines. I had to write some news articles for a kids TV show today. I needed to create some interesting stories for kids to read off of teleprompters. I was able to take four stories from the magazines, so thanks for helping me do my job. Now its going to be just like the Simpsons... Kidz Newz and Bart's people, "is there any room is this world for an old man and his ducks?"
* Road side stops in Korea are awesome! They are way better than a Flying J! At one of the rest stops there where musical performances, restaurants, and a childrens' playground. It makes so much sense to have a playground for the kids to go nuts in after sitting for a long car ride. Why don't we do this back home? Stick a playground at every rest area, not just a green area for dogs to run around.
* Chin and I went to may different pottery places. We even visited a pottery museum. What I think is hilarious is that we looked at a pottery display at our hotel 3 times before I saw this interesting ceramic figure. I don't know why I didn't notice it when I was looking at the display before, but I'm a little puzzled why it is in with the rest of the cup, pots, and vases. conveying
* Ok, Pokey Tokey is officially the strangest rabbit I have ever come across! Right now he is eating the goldfish crackers mom and dad sent. I try to feed him carrots, tomatoes, squash, things I know normal bunnies eat, nope, Pokey just turns his nose up at them. Cook them in my soup and he cant get enough of them! He wont eat pear but he like eating my homemade salsa. He wont eat sunflower seeds or dried corn but he will eat tofu with spring onions and soy sauce on it. Oh, and he went nuts for garlic mashed potatoes with broccoli in it. Freak!!!!


  1. Oh, yeah! I remember that! I'm glad you made that first cut...daring:) In Catalina, people took the small pieces because it was just "one more bite" rather than "an extra whole piece." They can justify taking seconds if the seconds are small:)

  2. So basically everyone over there will automatically know how gangsta I am? And I don't even have to cut someone?!

  3. I always find if you are afraid of cutting into the cake it is best to take the whole thing.
