Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 5

• Guess what? McDonalds delivers! They have people who drive Vespas and bring your burgers to you.
• Everyone is getting such cool and crazy x-mas gifts this year! I found my local dollar store!!!! In a word, (like Shannon) is awesome!
• Hulu sucks! They only stream video in the U.S. It can’t be accessed here! How am I going to keep up with my shows? Good thing Lucas packed me some of his Simpsons DVDs and season one of Dexter.
• As Melissa already knows, Koreans don’t have clothes dryers. My options are to dry clean or air dry my clothes on a rack. I think it is going to take a few days for my clothes to dry. And good thing I bought an iron because they are going to be wrinkly.
• So apparently the popular high school graduation gift to give a girl is an eye widening surgery. So a lot of girls get their eyes done so that they look more Caucasian before they go off to college. Crazy huh? What ever happened to good old fashioned boob jobs?


  1. Oh! there's some new kind of boob job where they take lipo-ed fat from your ass/thighs and inject it into your boobs. pretty exciting, right?!

  2. Wow, so at least your body will retain its set number of fat cells? Interesting, wouldn't you get lumpy, cellulite boobs?

  3. If they can get the fat out of my belly and inject into my boobs I will be happy. Besides cellulite boobs can still be covered with padded bras.
