Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 9

Day 9
• I remembered to fast today. I also managed to get a taxi to take me to my local international clinic. I like my new doctor; she is fluent in English and Korean. That’s not the only reason I like her of course, she was very helpful in answering all my questions and has a good bed side manner. At the clinic they have an area where you fill out forms, this area has complementary reading glasses to use. The glasses come in 3 different strengths. How considerate is that?!?
• Today I also go to pick out my new curtains for my apartment. They are custom made. I guess people don’t go to Bed Bath and Beyond and to it themselves here. They should be ready for installation in 5 days. So until then my neighbors can still see me walk around in my undies – enjoy it while it lasts because in 5 days the show is over! (Just kidding, I’m not walking around in my underwear; I’m dancing)
• Tonight chin and I went to Lotte World (Korea’s Disneyland / Hotel / Department Store) we did some shopping and got dinner. It was my first time using a fork in 9 days! It kinda felt strange to use it.

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