Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 7

• This morning I got to teach the weather lesson to 17 Korean kindergartners. It was so much fun! The students were so excited to see me. I was playing peek-a-boo with the class. I would wait in the hall way and then peek around the corner and they would all get so excited!!! The students loved the lesson. My favorite part of the lesson was when I acted out the weather using different clothing and accessory props. Then I let the kids act it out using the props while we sung “What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? It is _______.” (to the tune of London Bridges). Then a student would pick a prop like an umbrella for rainy or sunglass for sunny etc. One of the little girls put Angela’s black sunglasses on, you know, the ones that make Angela look like she is a senior citizen who just got their eyes dilated, well the little girl looked so absolutely adorable with the oversized glasses on!
• At the Korean pre-school / kindergarten they have little tooth brushing centers and UV light storage containers to kill the germs. If only we did this in the U.S I would have had a lot less first graders with silver teeth.
• After I finished teaching the staff treated me to lunch. After the meal we drank cups of what is my new favorite fruit drink called “may-seal” I don’t know how to spell it and I don’t know the fruits equivalent in English I just know it is damn good! Take a hike guanabana juice hello may-seal.


  1. ALSO, I'm really happy that I got to talk to you on google chat last night :) I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHHH

  2. But guanabana has such a good song!!!
    (do-doooo, do-do-do,
    GUANABANA! do-do-do-do!)

  3. Ha ha i sing that song all the time and Ray just looks at me like im crazy. Guanabana do-do-do-do!

  4. So glad that Korean students get to benefit from your gift! You are an amazing teacher Renee!
