Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 13

• Today was freezing!!!! No, seriously. It actually was freezing; it got down to -2 C which is something like 30F for those non Celsius users. I am warming up by drinking a nut tea. It has chunks of walnuts and pumpkin seeds floating in it.
• I wish my toilet seat was heated like the one at work. Yes, that’s right, they have heated toilet seats (unlike Mark and Anne’s outhouse in Fairbanks Alaska). I have hardwood floors in my apartment and the floors are heated by coils under the floor boards. Nice and toasty! Melissa and I found that the floors also work well to lay your jeans out on to dry since there are no dryers.
• Today Chin and I went to Y’z League. It is an after school program that has 6 English teachers, two of which are Americans. Tomorrow I am going back there by my self to teach the teachers how to make the graphic organizers and sentence frames I am currently working on.
• So Sunny from work wants me to go to work out at her gym with her. I am more than willing to, but the only problem is it costs 80,000 won a month!!! That’s about $80 American!!!!! I think Lucas and I were paying 30$ a month at Marina Del Rey fitness. I just don’t know if I can do $80 a month for a gym membership.


  1. I can't believe it was freezing! it warmed up to like, 75 this week. kind of annoying. I'm ready for some colder weather!
    nutty nut tea. :) sounds... interesting.

  2. I am so jealous of your 75 degree weather! I want that! It was raining here this weekend!
