Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 30

• I have been learning so much from Mike; I am so grateful that he has come to work with me in the office. Now do I not only have company during the day, but he teaches all kinds of useful information. For example, we were walking home after work (he takes the subway near my apartment so he walks me home after work Tuesday through Thursday) and were searching for a Tae Kwon Do studio and he pointed out the sing for a brothel. Apparently a red and blue spinning barber pole does not indicate a place to get your hair cut.
• Mike also told me about how I can order traditional Thanksgiving dinner. There is an army base in Seoul that you can order a complete dinner including: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It will feed 10-12 people and it’s cooked and ready to go. It is suppose to only be for the army personal so they only deliver on base. But Mike found that they don’t check ID and they will deliver it to the front gate because that is technically still on base. So we are going to order it and Richard will go pick it up and bring it to work so we can have Thanksgiving dinner at work.
• Guess what! My bus pass works for not only buses, subways, and taxis, but it will also work at payphones and as a debit card at the convenient stores! There is no reason for me to carry cash; this is my kind of country! (Don’t worry, I always carry a little cash on me anyways.)
• OOOOOoooo! Sunny taught me how to hula hoop! I have never been able to do it before but she taught me how and now I can! I was so excited! I know Dr. K, hula hooping champion, would be very proud. So would Jen, she used to carry her workout hula hoop in the back of her car everywhere she went!


  1. Yay thanksgiving!!!! :) do they have tofurkey?!?

  2. No tofurkey, but Hye Jung's mom got me some fake stakes and ham :)
