Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 16

• Yesterday at the pharmacy I saw some of those Korean beauty masks (the ones where you put a mask on your face that contains the facial ingredients). I told Hye Jeung that I loved them and last time I was in Korea I bought a bunch and gave them out as gifts. She said she has a bunch too, and today at breakfast she gave me 2 of them!!! She is so sweet! Speaking of sweet, someone on her floor of the office brought Krispy Kream donuts so she brought one up to my office for me. I am so lucky to have her as a friend.
• Today I went back to the pharmacy by my self and picked up the Korean birth control. (Although it’s over the counter they had to order it for me.) I was surprised to find that the 2 people at the pharmacy both speak English really well, and that my new birth control is made by the Bayer Aspirin Company.
• Today I came home after a stressful day trying to meet a 5:30 deadline to find my fridge no longer works, and everything in it is bad and needs to be thrown out. That was the last straw for me! Thank goodness I was meeting Sunny after work today to go to the gym because she was able to call and talk to my landlord. Sunny actually looked at my apartment this summer when she was looking for a place to live so she knew where the landlord’s office was. She wrote down everything that is wrong with my apartment (the heater, the fridge, and the water pipes) in Korean so that I can give it to him when he comes to my apartment tomorrow night. I am also very lucky to have Sunny as a friend. And it is nice because she lives one block away from me.
• So remember how I wanted to go to the free gym because it has all the same equipment just less of it? Well Sunny and I went to work out there tonight. Unfortunately, only the treadmills work. Everything else is not plugged in, and in most cases, missing its power cord all together. You can imagine my disappointment. But I guess that’s what you get when it’s a free facility. Angela would be proud, we stayed and worked out on the treadmill and then abs work.


  1. YAY! I LOVE THOSE MASKS!! haha :)
    you definitely look a bit creepy in the photo though...
    I'm so sorry about your fridge!!! what a great way to end a stressful day. :(

    Did you ever go to the yoga class that you had found?

  2. Yeah, you look like you're melting, mmmmmmeeeeeeelllllltttttttttttiiiiinnnnnnggggggg!
