Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 20

Day 20
• Today I sat with a man at work who belongs to the company hiking club. I asked him if he had trouble finding my email address in the company listing because he was suppose to email me information about the club. He said it was his first day back to work in a week. His daughter caught H1N1 and apparently if someone in your family gets it my company makes you take a week off of work and be quarantined too. With mandatory ear thermometer checks and quarantine periods I’m not too worried about catching the virus. Watch, now that I wrote that I’m going to contract H1N1.
• So I was headed down to lunch today and the elevator door opened revealing an elderly Korean gentleman. I said hello in Korean and bowed my head. He asked me in English what floor I was going to and I said it was lunch time and I was headed to the cafeteria. The doors opened again letting in two managers who work with Chin. They began talking to the gentleman in Korean but I recognized my name and Chins name. He then turned to me and said, “Oh, so you are Renee.” I said, “Yes, and you are?” He smiled and the two managers were dumb struck by my comment. Once one of the managers recovered from shock he informed me that, “this is Chairman” and I realized my error. The Chairman, founder of Yoon’s English Academy simply smiled and got off the elevator. I was absolutely mortified! Chin called me a few hours later to say she received a phone call from Chairman Yoon. I told her how embarrassed I was. Apparently he said I seemed nice. Chin said it was good that without knowing who he was I said hi in Korean and bowed my head; it showed I had good manners. Luckily he didn’t get a chance to see my table manners eh mom?
• After work I picked up 2 items that my local dry cleaner tailored for me. Grand total… $6 U.S. Now I know where to get all those suits dry cleaned, what a deal!


  1. Luckily you didn't use your standard greeting to strangers, "What up, yo?"

    Oh wait, that's me. Maybe I shouldn't go to Korea.

  2. <3 at least you had some good manners! it's not your fault you didn't know who he was...
