Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 14

• Today for breakfast at the office, (they serve breakfast and lunch at the cafeteria at work, which saves me a lot of money) they served fried, sugared, seaweed. Don’t knock it till you try it! I was shocked at how much I liked it.
• Also at breakfast this morning I learned that I was suppose to be swiping my badge each morning so they will know I arrive at work on time. OOOOOOooops! Today was the first day I swiped my badge, asides from on the weekend when I come in to work to use the internet. On the weekend you need to swipe your badge to make the door open, so right now it looks like for the past two weeks I have only been to work on the weekends! Hahahah! Chin said she can vouch for my when I told her my little oversight.
• Today I went back to Y’z League and trained the teachers in how to make the graphic organizers and sentence frames. It is so strange to actually have people working for me. Each one of the 6 teachers will be filling out the same weekly reports I send to Chin, but instead they send it to me for review. I can’t believe I actually have people who report to me!
• After work today Hye Jeung and I went to the English graduate school to look at their gym. We are not sure, but we think that we can use the facility for free because we work for Yoon’s. Hye Jeung will call someone tomorrow to find out if we can actually work out there for free. That would save me 80$ a month. It doesn’t have any instructors teaching fitness classes, but it does have all the different machines like treadmill, elliptical, stair steppers for use. There is a bookshelf in the gym where everyone leaves their gym shoes! I won’t even have to carry my shoes to work with me, I can leave them there and use them when ever I go work out.
• After we checked out the gym near my house, its 2 blocks away, we had dinner. My first dinner guest in my new home! When we arrived, to my great surprise my curtains had been installed!!! Yeah!!! Hey Jeung also tried to fix the ghost in my TV for me. She thinks she was able to cancel the timer that was set. I guess we shall see on Saturday whether it worked or not.
• Sad news, the weekend hiking trip has been canceled. I hope they schedule another hike before the weather gets even colder. Chin left a bag on my desk today that had a walking stick, backpack, and hiking shoes. These were a gift to her that she has yet to use so she offered to let me have them. Unfortunately the hiking boots are too small of a size for me, but I’ m sure I will be able to buy some boy size hiking boots that fit me here. Hiking boots aren’t very gender specific so I should be good. They don’t make any shoe size for woman above an 8; I’m 8 ½ so I wont be buying any of the cute shoes there.


  1. I never thought that they would limit shoe sizes! Interesting...:)

  2. so did fixing the TV timer thing work??

  3. Oh Boss and her monster feet... : )

  4. I'm not sure if there is still a ghost in my TV or not. I unplugged it because I was going to be out all day at the Cambridge conference and I didn't want my neighbors to hate me too much for leaving a loud TV on all day in case Hye Jeung didn't actually fix it.
