Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 38

• Oh no, real world zoo is on TV again. There is a chimpanzee spinning around in an office chair. (Lucas: should we tell them that all of the chimps we sent into space came back with super intelligence? No, I don’t think we’ll be doing that.)
• Mmmmm, mashed potatoes and stuffing left overs. It’s almost like being at home; if only I had some tofurkey leftover too!
• It’s Friday night and I am at home studying Korean…. Nerd!!!!!
• So the other day my soup tried to kill me. I noticed before it could complete its mission; take that soup! I was stirring my soup before I took a bit and noticed it had shrimp in it. I told Mike and he looked for shrimps in his soup but didn’t find any. I realized that if I had gotten his bowl of soup I would have eaten it without know it had shrimp juice in it. So that explains why I was getting allergies that included red eyes and itchy skin. So I think the best to avoid soup all together. Try to kill me now soup! Sucker!
• Here a person gets new license plates whenever they register a new car. The car doesn’t have to be new to get a new license plate. So that means when I gave Angela my car she would have registered it and gotten new license plates for it with this year’s date on it. So there basically isn’t a way to show off whether or not you’re driving a new car because anyone can put a new plate on their car. So when ever people do get a new car they leave the factory foam stickers on to show that it’s new. I was wondering what those blue thingys were, I just thought people put them on their car doors so they wouldn’t bump other cars that they park next to. Guess not; it’s a status thing.

1 comment:

  1. what the hell does the blowfish have to do with the sign? hahaha... blowfish crossing?? I can't imagine a reasonable explanation.
