Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 36

• So I have to watch my mouth because saying the word “crazy” is a swear word. Hahahah! So saying “that’s so crazy” is extremely offensive. OOOps, once again, thank goodness Mike started working in the office with me to teach me all of this stuff.
• Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! We are ordering Thanksgiving dinner from the army base and having dinner after work. Unlike you all, we don’t have Thursday and Friday off of work, booooooo! But we will have turkey, ham, dinner rolls, veggies, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and even pumpkin pie. I told Chin we need to find forks for everyone because I refuse to eat my pumpkin pie with chopsticks. I’m pretty sure there is a law against it. Yup, the law clearly states no eating Thanksgiving dinner with chopsticks; back me up here Rhett, you’re an officer of the law. Anyways, after work today I went to two different convenient stores before I found what I hope is butter. You can’t have dinner rolls without butter. I also got some cans of corn, can’t have mashed potatoes without corn either. Although corn is easy to find, they put it on pizzas here, butter was harder to come by. Dairy products are not really served that often.
• Angela! You won’t believe it! They have “Glee” with Korean subtitle! I finally got to see it. It was the one with Glenda from wicked. I only caught the last like 8 minutes of it though. Who knows if I will ever find it again, damn this cursed TV with its poltergeist and lack of Tivo!!!!


  1. GLEE!!!! find it again! it's wonderful :)

  2. I haven't been able to find it again, but maybe now that I have internet I will be able to download episodes of it instead!
