Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 17

• So here they celebrate the 11th of November like its valentines day. Everyone gives chocolate sticks (pokeys) for 11/11 day because it looks like sticks. I think I will take Jane’s holiday treat, white chocolate dipped pretzel sticks, and introduce it over here.
• Speaking of pretzels, today Chin treated me to a corn and cheese pretzel (calzone) that you dip in caramel. Surprisingly great flavor combination! Think of caramel corn flavor but with cheese and bread.
• Today I went out to lunch with Bu-nyun, Hee Kyung, and Sunny. Hee Kyung is one of the girls I went out with that very first week of work. Bu-nyun is one of the people who comes to visit me with difficult grammar questions. Why wont she just take “because that’s just not how we say it” as and answer?
• I feel pretty good about work today. I completed my files, although not by the deadline. And I sent them off to the computer programming people. They are now going to take my files and turn them into programs that a teacher can project to his or her class and guide the students through the writing activities. Next week I have to design the workbooks that the students will be writing in as they follow along with the computer file I designed. It’s a lot of work but it’s really cool to know that dozens of teachers will use my graphic organizers and sentence frames to teach hundreds of kids English.


  1. I love your food updates! :) I want to try some of this stuff. the seaweed. and the pretzelly-doos. yummmmm

  2. In Russia, calzones eat YOU!
