Other Sisters

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 28

• Today was my first day working with my new co-worker Mike. He is British and has been living here for 3 years. He has a Korean wife and an adorable baby girl. Like me he set up photo collection on Facebook. He has one collection for politically incorrect cartoons and educational materials. The other is photos of things that aren’t breakfast although served as breakfast by his wife. And like me, his apartment was dirty when he moved in. He said Koreans think it is bad luck to clean someone else house; it will curse them. He also said he thinks its just plain lazy, but that would explain why my place was so dirty.
• Mike tried to teach me everything he wishes he had known when he first got here. He showed me a website he uses to order English books and another for ordering western foods. They only charge $2.50 for shipping too! He also showed me an online class that he used to learn Korean so hopefully I can get signed up for that soon. He also showed me some interesting things to check out while I’m here like the area that has the most dinosaur foot prints in the world. And he also suggested I check out pizza in a cone. That’s right, pizza served in an ice cream cone. Check it out http://www.conepizza.co.kr/ Click on the second button at the top to see the picture menu, it's fantastic! I don’t know about pizza cones but I am always up for fossil hunting.
• We got a humidifier for the office. The heaters are on all the time now because it’s about 0C or 32F everyday and the air is really dry. Hopefully the humidifier will help because my face is already starting to get flaky eeeeeew. Mike suggested throwing water on my warm floor at home and letting it evaporate. I guess that is what they did at their house before they bought a humidifier for the winter.


  1. Mike has some awesome suggestions. he sounds pretty useful. Although I don't know about Britain, they serve weird things for breakfast too...

    dinosaur footprints?! SO FREAKING COOL.

  2. Although pizza in a cone sounds freaking good!!!
